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The Long Reach High School PTSA is pleased to announce our annual Senior Scholarship Program. Applications are now being accepted and several $500.00 awards are available to seniors from the class of 2025. Winners will be notified and awarded scholarships at the LRHS Senior Awards Ceremony. GPA will not be a factor in this scholarship program. Selection criteria based on fully answering the essay questions and on creativity/originality.

Scholarship graduation cap on money



â–ª Must be a current member of the LRHS PTSA as of March 31, 2025. To become a member, go to MemberHub to register/pay online or contact our Membership chair for other payment options.

â–ª Must be a 2025 LRHS graduating senior.

â–ª Must be accepted to a college (2 or 4 year), art school, trade/military or technical school.



â–ª Complete the entire application. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

â–ª Obtain counselor’s signature or email from counselor to confirm your eligibility, before submitting application. If an email confirmation is obtained from your counselor, please forward the email along with your application submission.

â–ª Typed responses to the required student essay questions (10-12 Font/double spaced).

â–ª Total response to both essay questions should be no greater than two pages.



â–ª Application must be completed by the student.

â–ª Submit complete application and essay responses via email to:

â–ª Applications must be received no later than: TBD.

Senior Scholarships: Programs
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